Biomimicry for Design, Biofield for Sales

The innovative Biofield Entrainment is new on the scene and is proving to have many striking benefits. This exciting new development allows us to address not only the human brain but the entire energetic system. This coupled with Brainwave Entrainment, which has a history of demonstrating incredible benefits dating back to the 1960’s. You can find out more and how participate in this revolutionary program, which I like to think as The Sales Neuro Charger or maybe more appropriate, Meditation on Steroids.  

Janine Benyus (You can learn more in this blog post, What Lean 3P should take from Biomimicry) has a message for inventors: When solving a design problem, look to nature first. As a champion of biomimicry, Benyus has become one of the most important voices in a new wave of designers and engineers inspired by nature. Her most recent project, AskNature, explores what happens if we think of nature by function and looks at what organisms can teach us about design.

Why should this be any different for the world of sales?

In a recent Ted Video, Bernie Krause took a surprising look at what we can learn through nature’s symphonies, from the grunting of a sea anemone to the sad calls of a beaver in mourning.

We try to learn from the world from what we see, why not from what we hear?

We train our sales people on what to say and maybe to listen. Bernie Krause’s presentation demonstrates how little we have taken from listening to nature. I remember an old Yoga saying, “To take a deep breath, you first must exhale.” In the Lean world, we talk about Going to Gemba which means go and see. In sales, before we go and see (and hopefully listen), should we exhale – should we clear our minds and prepare to take a deep breath. Listening to the sad calls of a beaver mourning makes me think we need some help. Your thoughts?

The Sales Neuro Charger or maybe more appropriate, Meditation on Steroids.