Intuition, Do You Have It?

Discover the power of intuition & unleash an entirely new realm of possibilities for career, relationships & health. When you sleep, your brainwaves slow down to 7 – 14 cycles per second, and then to 4 – 7 cycles per second. This is when your capacity for creativity, problem-solving and empathy increases by leaps and bounds.

But it all goes away the moment you wake up. However, you can choose not to let your valuable instincts go to waste. You can easily tap into this remarkable reservoir of unlimited ESP potential in your waking hours, with Intuition Enhancement Technology, which comprises of powerful mind training which includes:

  • The Holo-Viewing Technique: This Alpha level exercise provides you with a mental ‘compass’ to set you on the right path towards your deeper purpose. When your goals in life are aligned with your deeper purpose, you start to find all manner of coincidences, chance encounters and sheer luck appearing to help you get around roadblocks and obstacles.
  • The Mirror of the Mind Technique: This Theta level exercise helps you carve a path towards the goals you have set, eliminating all obstacles in the way. This is a powerful version of creative visualization, but done at deeper levels of mind and using all your senses.
  • The 5-Step Projection Exercise: Projection exercises are designed to train your mind to project your awareness across time and space, to different locations. You’ll be able to visualize people, places, animals and objects with pinpoint clarity, solve even the trickiest of problems, and gain a deep understanding of your surroundings. You will projecting yourself into a familiar environment, different types of metals, plants, animals and finally, another person.
  • Advanced Theta and Delta Level techniques: Further advanced techniques such as the Delta Doorway will teach you how to tap into higher guidance while at the ‘near-sleep’ Delta levels of mind.
  • Caseworking: This is the absolute pinnacle of a human being’s intuitive abilities. You will be able to accurately visualize, diagnose and help other people — from a distance. In our live classes, we end in the following way. Students are paired up, the guide provides age, gender.

Silva Intuition System