Quality and Collaboration eBook

The relationship between Quality and Collaboration, Quallaboration was the topic of a recent podcast with Jim Benson, the person behind Personal Kanban. This is a transcription of the podcast. I typically edit the podcast, so you may find some new material in the transcription.

Quallaboration eBook Transcription

About Jim Benson: Jim incorporates his background in cognitive psychology, government, and management to build community through policy and technology. His company, Modus Cooperandi, helps organizations change through the application of Lean principles, Agile methodologies, and social media. He is also the developer of the productivity tool Personal Kanban, an adaptation of Industrial Kanban which helps individuals and small teams actualize. His book on Personal Kanban, which applies Lean thinking to daily living, will be out in Fall 2010.

Related Information:
Quallaboration Video
Quallaboration Podcast with Personal Kanban Founder
Constant Feedback makes for Continuous Work Flow
Personal Kanban
Kanban Communication

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