A Business Perspective on Social Media

The secret to connecting with consumers in a fragmented, chaotic marketplace, then, lies in how businesses collaborate with customers. WIKIBRANDS: Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace (McGraw-Hill; January 2011) by Sean Moffitt and Mike Dover builds on a breakthrough, multimillion-dollar marketing research program initiated by Don Tapscott, technology guru and author of Grown Up Read More …

Standard Work in Lean Services–Dr. Balle

Lean technology has now evolved from the manufacturing floor to the whole enterprise. Many companies have found real value in applying the fundamental concepts of Lean throughout the organization. The lean concepts of Kaizen, PDCA and the tools such as Pareto Charts, 5 Why’s and even Poka Yoke are commonplace. However, the concept of Standard Read More …

PK Flow What is it and Why Use It

I have struggled for many years with a personal management system and have spent most of my adult life waffling between the original 7 Habits planning system and countless others. Using David Allen’s, Getting Things Done and his MSO Outlook attachment was the longest I stayed away from the Covey system. I eventually went back Read More …

Mixing Scrum and Kanban in Agile

Yuval Yeret was a guest on the Business901 podcast, Yeret on Agile and Kanban and below is a transcription of the podcast. Yuval is a practicing Agile and Kanban consultant/coach for AgileSparks in Herzelyia, Israel. He coaches individuals and organizations in their path to Agility and Engineering excellence, focusing on Scrum, Lean, and Agile Engineering Read More …

Outside the Walls of a Lean Enterprise

As Dr. Balle said, “Toyota didn’t become number one by having lower manufacturing costs, they became number one by making cars people bought.” Dr. Michael Ballé is a business researcher and consultant and has studied lean transformation for the past 15 years. He is Associate Researcher at Télécom ParisTech and the co-founder of the French Read More …

Has Knowledge Management disguised itself as Lean Marketing?

It is not a disguise it is reality. Your marketing department should be investing many of their resources in capturing and building a structure for knowledge management. It is the core competence of your organization. If you look at the sole purpose of a Lean Marketing department it is disseminating pertinent information to the customer Read More …