Handle an Impossible Project?

Michael Dobson (@sidewisethinker), author of Project: Impossible – How the Great Leaders of History Identified, Solved and Accomplished the Seemingly Impossible – and How You Can Too! said in the podcast: Michael Dobson

Well, to be honest one of the things, if it hasn’t happened in your career yet, I’m saying this to the audience. I’m sure you’ve been there. If you haven’t been given a project that is sort of absurdly impossible on the face of it, well, you haven’t been around for a very long time. Impossible projects in any field in any discipline, well, this is just one of those little situations in life that sooner or later we are all confronted with for better or worse. Win, lose or draw, we all have to face it.

Listen to the rest of the conversation on impossible projects.

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MICHAEL SINGER DOBSON is a marketing executive, project management consultant and nationally-known speaker. He has been a staff member of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, award-winning game designer, and career counselor in his varied career. My favorite book of Michael’s, out of twenty or so he wrote, is Creative Project Management. You can find Michael on Twitter @sidewisethinker or his main website sidewiseinsights.com


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