How do you Scale Agile?

It seems every year Agile folks are pushing a new enterprise system that solves the problem of scaling. The latest flavor of the month seems to be SAFe. However, I still see Lean hanging around with the most successful.  Agile is great for teams, but when you scale you need a way to structure them into a cohesive enterprise.  Leave your thoughts on LinkedIn:

However, I still see Lean hanging around with the most successful.  Agile is great for teams, but when you scale you need a way to structure them into a cohesive enterprise.  Lean provides a method of doing just that.

Most people only credit Lean with being able to handle the simple and complicated domains. A Lean Enterprise thrives on handling complexity. It is embedded in the DNA. Lean is always seeking and being pulled towards complexity. The heartbeat surprisingly is standard work. It is what allows us to create the culture of improvement and innovation. Without, we tend to flounder and resist growth instead of expanding it.

The naysayers will typically then point towards the domain of Chaos. That is the real strength of Lean Companies. The chaos is handled by the culture. And once you develop a culture of Lean you can effectively use Chaos to your advantage.

Agile Scale

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