Jack Dorsey on becoming a better storyteller!

Square and Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey explains some important steps to becoming a better storyteller. According to Dorsey, the first step is to get ideas out of your head, whether you do it by writing or coding. Once the ideas can be reviewed outside your head, you can then decide whether to share them, or put them on the shelf for later use.

I cannot think of a better description, of how I look at Service Design and how in the power of the story lies the secret to innovation. Dorsey also explains his admiration for Apple’s ability to tell epic stories. The secret of Apple’s success, I always thought were the exact points he describes in this video.

P.S. I agreed with so much of what this guy says that have to admit that I think he is brilliant! 

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1 thought on “Jack Dorsey on becoming a better storyteller!”

  1. That’s some video series – what he’s talking about is imagining the world WITH YOUR PRODUCT IN IT. When imagining in pictures, it’s conjectural visualization. In words, it’s a narrative, or ‘storytelling’. The best news: this not only makes it more real, but it also makes it accessible and adds DRAMA while it humanizes the idea. Ideas may be the ‘food of the gods’, but people need more concrete sustenance. Especially financiers! Great stuff, thanks for sharing!

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