Traversing the Funnel of Opportunity

When traversing through the Funnel of Opportunity (The picture on the left, download PDF of the diagram: I use the outline below to help people describe their process when moving through the FoO: Empower-Engage-Explore. 

Handoffs are so important in customer-facing positions that I find it an integral part of any business development areas. It slows the process down to a certain extent and by doing this hopefully, it will make it faster. ;) It was derived from Ancona and Bresman, authors of the book, X-teams: How to Build Teams That Lead, Innovate and Succeed (Amazon:

In it, they said: “Finally, some teams never want to let go of their product. No one is interested in exportation; no one takes responsibility for easing the product out of the team and into the rest of the organization. Without this transfer of enthusiasm and ownership, team members may find their work rejected or simply ignored.” 

Find out more: Funnel of Opportunity