Using A3 Thinking in Lean Sales and Marketing

(2) One-hour Sessions on Consecutive Days

When most Lean Organizations try to introduce Lean to sales and marketing they seldom take the time to develop Lean Thinking. They first start trying to apply the tools of Lean or trying to build a culture of Lean. It is a very difficult thing to do. Using the A3 Thinking Process gives a systemic way of implementing Lean Thinking in Sales and Marketing. Through the A3 tool mindset, you learn to think in Lean terms. However, the process cannot be just a fill in the box exercise, it has to be practiced. In this program learn how to…

  1. Receive a template using A3s to introduce Lean to Sales and Marketing.
  2. Be able to create and use A3s in Sales and Marketing for problem-solving, discovering opportunities and sustaining implementations.
  3. Iterate within and with multiple A3s.
  4. Transverse the Marketing Gateway of SDCA-PDCA-EDCA.

Download the Marketing Gateway Introduction

You are expected to have a basic knowledge of an A3. If not, I recommend Jamie Flinchbaugh’s eBook, A3 Problem Solving: Applying Lean Thinking. You can find it on Amazon for $7.50. Consider it a pre-requisite for the course. The course consists of 2 one-hour sessions on consecutive days. In addition to the A3 program, you will receive a complimentary PDF download of the Marketing with Lean Book Series and over 20 different A3 templates in PDF and Excel format.

Register Now for Marketing with A3 Program

Marketing with Lean Book Series:

  1. Lean Marketing House (More Info)
  2. Marketing with PDCA (More Info)
  3. Marketing with A3 (More Info)
  4. Lean Engagement Team (More Info)
  5. CAP-Do (More Info)

Program Description

Day 1: Thursday at 1:00 PM EST (-5:00 GMT)

  1. Reflection A3
  • SALES CAP-DO – Reflection and Discovery
  • The Starting Point for Understanding
  • Using an A3 for Synchronicity and Presencing
  • Deciding what’s next for you or your organization
  1. The Improvement Gap:
  • SALES PDCA – the Culture of Lean
  • Developing a Problem-Solving team
  • Problem-Solving Process
  • Completing your first A3

Register Now for Marketing with A3 Program

Day 2: Friday at 1:00 PM EST (-5:00 GMT)

  1. Creating a Standard
  • SALES SDCA – Creating a Standard
  • Developing a team for Standard work
  • Standard Work
  • Creating a Standard Process from PDCA
  1. Innovation A3
  • SALES EDCA – Innovation and Exploration
  • Developing a team for Exploring
  • Using an A3 for Breakthrough Thinking
  • Moving an Exploration Process to PDCA

At the end of the session, there will be a special offer to the attendees for advanced training in the Marketing with A3 Program.

Register Now for Marketing with A3 Program

Lean in Sales & Marketing