We are Connecting–Go See, Go Do, Go Virtual

What does it mean to be human in today’s wired world? As we get more and more connected, our virtual worlds aren’t just parallel to real life, they’re extensions of real life. Ramona shares her own journey into game worlds in search of wisdom, love and meaning, and talks about overcoming fear and “leveling up” in our real lives, when the real world and virtual world intersect.

I have also included a transcription from the Business901 podcast, Games may be your only chance to attract the best and brightest talent, Peter is a leading gamer in the HoN world and a member of col.HoN which is part of compLexity Gaming. HoN (Heroes of Newerth) is a solid title in eSports and last winter past the 100,000 concurrent players online mark during their 100th hero celebration. You can review Peter’s first blog post at the Complexity site.

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