Team Building with Six Sigma

In a podcast, I had Jeffrey M. Koff, the Director of Lean Six Sigma Learning on from Xerox we broke off on some of the discussion on Lean and Six Sigma and focused briefly on team building. You can read or listen to the entire podcast here Design for Six Sigma or the podcast with Read More …

New Accessibility for Business901 Podcast

I have discontinued the Business901 Podcast and will be uploading the MP4s as time permits. Many of the podcast are transcribed and can be found on Issuu: At the end of August, I will not update the present Business901 Podcast Android App in the Google Play Store and take it down. I have decided Read More …

As an Individual: How much Slack is Enough?

How much slack is enough, and where does that start becoming wasteful? We talk about Lean and do it as individual but we need slack. It’s hard to get your arms around it. -jd Dan Markovitz: If you think about Taiichi Ohno, the first thing he had anyone do was stand in a circle, right, Read More …

Should You Wait for Membership till after the Transaction?

The membership economy is over and above just a transactional action. The transaction should be just part of the whole membership thing. Membership shouldn’t be — let’s say after the transaction. -jd Robbie Baxter: Right, exactly. This brings us into the whole idea of a Freemium Model, which is the idea that you can have Read More …

Four Dimensions of Digital Service

Next Week’s podcast guest, Jeff  Sussna founder of Ingineering.IT, facilitates Adaptive IT through teaching, coaching, and strategic design. He is the author of a new book Designing Delivery: Rethinking IT in the Digital Service Economy. An excerpt from the podcast: Joe: It’s really kind of a digital service type of atmosphere that you create. I Read More …