Extending Your Platform to Membership

Robbie Kellman Baxter is a long-time advisor to some of the most popular membership-based businesses and author of the recent book, The Membership Economy: Find Your Super Users, Master the Forever Transaction, and Build Recurring Revenue. Membership surpasses subscriptions, sharing, and meshing – it’s about appealing to the human needs of a changing population. Download Read More …

Product/Service Introduction Worksheet

Most of us recognize SDCA and PDCA as tenants of Lean Thinking. Standard Work (SDCA) creates a can-do attitude and frees up time for problem-solving. Applying Continuous Improvement (PDCA), allows you to “see” opportunities for improvement and leverages the resources in your environment. I like to use the term EDCA learned from Graham Hill to Read More …

Are We Building Flatter Supply Chains?

I asked that question to Chad Smith and Carol Ptak in a past podcast and you might be surprised by the answer. Carol Ptak: It’s not really a flatter supply chain, because when I think of a flatter supply chain, I think about what’s happened in the Lean community, where they believe that the way Read More …

The Often Overlooked Topic of the Challenge in Toyota Kata

The first step of the Improvement Kata — “Understand the Direction or Challenge” — is often overlooked, but is highly important for the three steps that follow. In this video Tyler Fife shares experiences from BiAmp Systems in Portland, Oregon to provide an excellent description of what Challenge is, how it fits in and what Read More …

Are You Trying To Improve Customer Influence?

Listening to the customer is giving the customer status and importance and sends the message that their opinion is worthwhile. If you take the time for customers to see problems for themselves and think through solutions, they will more than likely work with you in implementing and fixing the problems should they occur. It is Read More …

How do you start in the Membership Economy

You just don’t give this to the VP over here that’s been 20 years. How do I create this within my organization? I know there’s going to be a cultural shift, but how do you start? -jd Excerpt from next week’s Business901 Podcast: Robbie Baxter: I think you’re right. You don’t just give it to Read More …