Applying the 7 KATA to Knowledge Work

Shingo Prize winning author, Conrad Soltero. Conrad won the Shingo Prize as the principal author of The 7 Kata: Toyota Kata, TWI, and Lean Training. It was published in 2012 by Productivity Press. He works at the Texas Manufacturing and Assistance Center or TMAC as we’ll call it and is a Shingo prize examiner. For Read More …

How Important is Understanding the Gap?

I have to admit I am guilty as anyone falling into the trap of the latest and greatest way to hypothesize, iterate and develop great products. I enjoy playing with many of the tools laid forth but find myself failing to see the forest because of all the trees. In the latest iterations of many Read More …

How certain is your Forecasting?

Can you explain for someone about uncertainty and applying uncertainty to a forecast? – jd Eli Scrangenheim:  Forecasting tries to give me some information. Let us say partial information about the huge question about what will happen tomorrow. How much will I sell tomorrow? How much work will I be able to finish tomorrow or Read More …

A Reason For Extending Your Sales Cycles

One of the common message these days about sales cycles is that you are not invited to the table till 60%of the sales cycles is over. Of course, ideally we would want to be in earlier in the cycle and be part of finding the solution with the customer. All that co-creation, collaboration and trust-based Read More …

Should You have Configuration Management

An excerpt from the Podcast and Transcription: Project Thinking In Configuration Management Joe:   Should every part of an organization have a configuration management system then? Jon Quigley: It should have some kind of change. It should identify the things that matter down the stream or that have to be coordinated and the things that impact Read More …

Sales- What are you asking yourself?

Are you waiting for your next performance review? Most salespeople get one every quarter and sometimes every week in the form of a commission check. However, do you spend time self-evaluating yourself? Do you have a structured method to take an objective look at yourself? Here is a short list of questions derived from a Read More …