Do We Still Need Documentation?

In this day of being adaptable and agile, should we really spend time to document everything? Sure we need some documentation done but heck — it seems like I’m creating work for myself sometimes. Is there a fine line on what goes into configuration management and how strict of a practice we keep? -jd Jon Read More …

Outcome Realization is a Continuous Process

The outcome is really not at the end of the target. . It’s some place like in the middle because this should sustain until the end of its life cycle. -jd Evan Leybourn:  You’re absolutely correct. The idea of an outcome is we should be able to incrementally achieve value towards that outcome. It doesn’t Read More …

Overcoming OCD in Sales Efforts

If not the top topic’ it must be one of top discussion points; behavioral mechanics or a more common word habits. In fact, one of my top podcasts last year was Habit Forming Products with Nir Eyal the author of Hooked: A Guide to Building Habit-Forming Products. In fact, most marketers are all running around Read More …

Sales Collaboration Using E – E – E

I like to use the term EDCA (Explore-Do-Check-Act) learned from Graham Hill to designate the Explore aspect of Lean. I view it as more of Design Type thinking content that allows for that collaborative learning cycles with a customer. Most of us design sales and marketing actions around how we think, not how the customer Read More …

How To Lose A Customer

Just a quick outline on a few things that I see or hear way to often. I am sure there are many more but one thing I do know, very few companies document the early signs of losing a customer. Do you? Lean Sales and Marketing: Learn about using CAP-Do Lean Engagement Team (More Info)