OODA Loop and NLP?

What sort of answer would you think I would get when comparing the OODA Loop to NLP or the long name, Neuro-Linguistic Programming. I asked that question of  Tom MacKay, the founder of MacKay Solutions. Tom trained as a psychologist and in NLP in 1990 and since then  has become one of the most respected Read More …

Would you create a Marketing Plan for me?

I wrote this several years ago and ran across it last night. It was a request from someone that wanted me to create a marketing plan for them. My response is below. I did attach a PDF of the Business Model Canvas with it. Dear Entrepreneur, Thank you for the interest. You have a fantastic Read More …

How does Design Thinking compliment Lean UX?

Related Podcast and Transcription: Applying Lean to UX Joe:   You talk about Design Thinking as complimenting Lean UX? Can you expand on that? Jeff: I think there’s a misunderstanding of Design Thinking than perhaps — but Design Thinking, it’s not a methodology for making things pretty. In fact, what it is is a way to Read More …

Is Agile Project Management the Same Outside of Software?

I asked Evan Leybourn this question. Evan pioneered the field of Agile Business Management; applying the successful concepts and practices from the Lean and Agile movements to corporate management. He keeps busy as a senior IT executive, business management consultant, non-executive director, conference speaker, internationally published author and father. Evan Leybourn: That’s a surprisingly hard question to answer. Read More …

Coaching Agile Software Teams

Troy Tuttle, KCP, is the owner and a principal consultant at KanFlow. He is a practicing Agile software developer and Lean-Agile-Kanban coach to software teams, project managers and executives. He helps software professionals and teams improve through approaches that support better clarity, understanding, and continuous learning. Troy is the founder of the Kansas City Limited Read More …

Reflecting on your Daily Work

Are Daily Stand-ups done at the wrong time of day? We could argue what the most important part of your day and many will say the beginning. I would venture to say that most people is their meditation or some sort of state of reflection, it happens the very first thing in the morning. Even Read More …