Business901 Podcast of 2014

Yesterday’s post, Top 10 Business901 Podcasts of 2014, was somewhat misleading. I only listed Adam Zak, one time, even though his interview was separated into 2 podcasts. The truth is that both podcast rated in the top 4 and one of them was clearly ahead of all others in viewership. Related Podcast #1: Secrets on Read More …

Top 10 Business901 Podcasts of 2014

I had a great group of guests this year and had a lot of fun doing and reviewing over 50 podcasts that were recorded this year. This is a summary of the top 10 Business901 podcasts of the year. From this group, the top podcast of the year will be chosen. Drowning in Work? Jim Read More …

Go See How The Job Is Getting Done

I asked Ken Rolfes a few questions about Lean 3P in a podcast, Rolfes on Lean, and we ended up discussing the Customer’s Job to be Done.  Ken can be found at KDR Associates. An Excerpt from the Podcast: Joe Dager: Clayton Christensen used the words “jobs to done”. You got to look at what Read More …

Chesbrough on Open Services Innovation

Henry Chesbrough is a Professor at ESADE and father of the term ‘open innovation’, one of the concepts behind the creation of ESADE Creapolis. He is currently Adjunct Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Open Innovation at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.His research topics include: innovation in Read More …

Intuition, Do You Have It?

Discover the power of intuition & unleash an entirely new realm of possibilities for career, relationships & health. When you sleep, your brainwaves slow down to 7 – 14 cycles per second, and then to 4 – 7 cycles per second. This is when your capacity for creativity, problem-solving and empathy increases by leaps and Read More …