How a Connected Company Works

Dave Gray of The Dachis Group and author of a recent book,The Connected Company works with the world’s leading companies to develop and execute winning strategies. His previous book, Gamestorming, sold more than 50,000 copies and has been translated into 16 languages. This video is an hour long but discusses much of the content in Read More …

Lean as a Business Model

“The Lean approach gives you the opportunity to do that by focusing on your value adding. I look at Lean as the greatest wealth creator that was ever invented.” – Art Byrne Art Byrne recently wrote the book, The Lean Turnaround: How Business Leaders Use Lean Principles to Create Value and Transform Their Company that Read More …

Thoughts on Healthcare Kaizen

Lean Healthcare has been a central part of many of my podcasts and is a much talked about field these days. A result of not only the cost savings that Lean provides but the ability of Lean to assist in prevention of errors and time-saving. There have been few greater advocates of the application of Read More …

The Pull in Lean Sales and Marketing via the Last Responsible Moment

The conversations below emphasize in a world with a high degree of uncertainty, that we must wait for the “Last Responsible Moment” before committing. David Anderson author of Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business says in an upcoming Business901 Podcast: The whole Kanban thing really came about from the challenge of people resisting Read More …

Resistance to Change, What Resistance?

David Anderson, @agilemanager on Twitter, is a thought leader in managing effective technology development. He leads a consulting, training and publishing business at  David J, Anderson & Associates. David may be best known for his book, Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business. David takes an evolutionary approach to change. An excerpt from next Read More …

Changing the Bottom Line thru OpEx

They may be mouthing those words and saying, “We want culture change,” but truly what they want is a return on their investment and a change on the bottom line. We can get you there, but we can only get you there after you change the culture that undergirds your improvement system. – David Adams Read More …