Enabling the Lean Service Design Trilogy

This is the introduction page to the Trilogy Module of the Lean Service Design Trilogy Course. There is a special offer located on the page. First, I would like to emphasis the importance of knowing, understanding how a customer/prospect views and uses your Service Products. In the Service/Train module, I introduced the pyramid of the Read More …

Currency of the New Economy is Trust

I consider that we are now in a relational economy. Most products and services have been commoditized and we only derive value through the use of them. The organizations that understand this design their products/services so that they get paid through the use thereby providing the ultimate value proposition. For more information consider viewing my Read More …

DevOps with Dominica

The DevOps movement is shifting the focus away from separate departments working independently to an organization-wide collaboration — a “systems thinking” approach. It’s about addressing all the work as a whole, versus looking only at the bits and pieces, or only looking at capital versus expense. It’s about work flowing across functions (versus lurking in Read More …

Culture Change, What we want is ROI

A lot of mutual trust and respect, and that faith has to develop over a period of time. We have to prove that the system is going to yield the kind of culture change results that we’re looking for. You don’t have too many CEOs that are out there looking for culture change. – David Read More …

Should Capabilities drive Innovation?

Most of us agree with a statement like this: Innovating in services is the escape route from the commodity trap and a solution for growth, giving firms a significant competitive advantage. As they innovate into the future, companies must think beyond their products and move outside their own four walls to innovate. –says Henry Chesbrough’s, Read More …

Difference between Development & Design

The thought process that I try to embed in Lean Service Design can be summed up in one word: Empathy! It is a major differentiator between the traditional process methodologies of Six Sigma, and I say this tongue–in-cheek, Lean. Seldom when you search (like never) the index of books on Design for Six Sigma, Lean Read More …