Creating Service Innovation

Chesbrough is to open innovation what Christensen is to innovation in general, and his concepts and ideas are spot on. Chesbrough is the executive director of the Haas Center for Open Innovation, rethinks the concept of open innovation to tackle a new economy. In his new book, Open Services Innovation, Chesbrough offers the tools to Read More …

Introduction to Lean 3P Design Process

Allan R. Coletta, author of a new book The Lean 3P Advantage: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Production Preparation Process was a guest on the Business901 Podcast, Lean 3P is PDCA on Steroids. Allan is a chemical engineer with an extensive background in manufacturing operations, supply chain and engineering, gained while working in the chemical Read More …

Apply Process Thinking to Social Media

I think @RicDragon did it. Ric has unique insights grounded in marketing, process methodologies (such as Lean), Social Media and traditional web know-how. This is a process that is repeatable, improvable and documented in his new book, Social Marketology: Improve Your Social Media Processes and Get Customers to Stay Forever. I had the pleasure of Read More …

Sub-optimizing your Social Collaboration

What would Dr. Deming Say? Dr. W. Edwards Deming advised us that a supplier is a partner and our relationships must be based on cooperation and trust. Adversarial relationships result in waste. Supplier relationships based on Dr. Deming’s teachings change fundamentally and, even better, both suppliers and customers win. Dr. Deming showed how customers and Read More …

We don’t use a Transactional Contract for Marriage, Why for Projects?

Lean Design and Lean Construction Consultant, Trainer and Author, Alan Mossman of The Change Business says; For the same reason that we don’t use a bilateral transactional contract for marriage, we use a relational contract. It’s now recognized that there’s much more sense in using a relational contract for these long term arrangements where we Read More …

Relationship Mapping; New Critical Path

How good are you at managing the relationships that your organization builds? As we move from a Product Dominant to a Service Dominant market, the relationships we create are at the core of our business model. However, how many of us understand these relationships? How many of us know what collaborative networks the other members Read More …