Uncommon Thoughts about Service

In the podcast An Uncommon Way of Thinking about Service Design, Anne Morriss discusses the four universal truths outlined in her book, Uncommon Service. The four truths are: You can’t be good at everything. Someone has to pay for it. It’s not your employees’ fault. You must manage your customers. This is a transcription of Read More …

Behind every Decision to Buy..

Behind every decision to buy–whether the item is a service or a product, an argument or an idea–is an unspoken emotional motivation. This is the hidden agenda. Says Kevin Allen, author of the book called The Hidden Agenda: A Proven Way to Win Business and Create a Following. Kevin was my guest on the Business901 Read More …

Are you Marketing Consumption or Participation

Take away all the fluff in sales and marketing today and I believe the single most important aspect that will determine your long term success and sustainability in the marketplace is your role in participating in your customer’s playground. When I say this, most people think of experimentation, prototyping or even call it a specific Read More …

The Future of Schools, maybe even Work

A few months back, I interviewed author, Joe Pine where we discussed the digital frontier and augmented reality. Joe, along with co-author Korn provide a new tool The Multiverse™ that helps your organization to search the Infinite Possibility of value creation that lies on the digital frontier. Several examples of this magic are shown below.  Read More …

Standard Work as your Whirlwind–Manage it!

I am an advocate of Standard Work. My approach is that it encompasses so much of our time that we should become proficient at it  just to ensure we make other things possible. The amount of Standard Work that you have differs from organization to organization and from person to person but we all have Read More …