Individual Lean Transcription

In the Business901 podcast Individual Lean, the Root Cause of Success?, Dan Markovitz, founder and owner of Time Back Management discussed applying the principle of Lean to everyday life. These principles are the basis for his new book, A Factory of One: Applying Lean Principles to Banish Waste and Improve Your Personal Performance. This is Read More …

An Uncommon Way of Thinking about Service Design

Service Design Thinking: Anne Morriss, the best selling co-author of Uncommon Service says, We live in a world where lots of organizations want to deliver great service. We work with managers all the time, who are committed to it. Customers, as we know, are hungry for it, and yet, our service experiences are still overwhelmingly Read More …

Creating Lead Measures with Kanban

In the post about #LSSC12 Turning your Conference Learning into Action, it was used as a starting point for turning a conference experience into actionable items. The post assisted you in picking one or two objectives that you would like to implement within your organization. The objectives should make an improvement that will reflect in Read More …

Developing a Learning A3

Matt Wrye is a Lean Implementer that has a passion for continuous learning on all subjects related to business and lean. He is the author of the popular blog “Beyond Lean,” which centers on evolving leadership and changing business. Our discussion center on his development of a Learning A3. From his blog post Learning A3: Read More …

Turning Conference Learning into Action

I attended an outstanding conference (#LSSC12), The Lean Software & Systems Conference 2012 held in Boston, MA. In addition to the conference there was 2 days of tutorials, Lean Camp (Open Space), Interactive Cooking, Living Room, Lightning Talks, and Lean Coffee. It was an excellent agenda and well-hosted by the Lean-Kanban University.  Every attendee that Read More …

Kids like Fun and Social Activities, do you?

If games are so engaging, why can’t work be that way? Great examples of how this is happening in Gabe Zichermann, CEO of and Dopamine, keynote at TNW2012 conference this year. Gabe is an author, highly rated public speaker and entrepreneur whose book, Gamification by Design: Implementing Game Mechanics in Web and Mobile Apps Read More …