Expectations create Reality

In discussing the topics of Appreciative Inquiry and Service Design, I came upon this summary that seemed very fitting for the end of the week. What we ASK determines what we DISCOVER What we DISCOVER determines how we TALK What we TALK ABOUT determines how we DREAM together How we DREAM together determines what we Read More …

Know the Right Job For Your Products

From Innosight and authored by Clayton M. Christensen, Scott D. Anthony, Gerald Berstell, Denise Nitterhouse The market segmentation scheme that a company chooses to adopt is a decision of vast consequence. It determines what that company decides to produce, how it will take those products to market, who it believes its competitors to be and Read More …

Service Design with Marc Stickdorn

Service Design changes the way you think about business.  No longer can companies focus their efforts on process improvements. Instead, they must engage the customer in use of their product/service rather than analyzing tasks for improvement. We no longer build and hope that there is a demand. We must create demand through our product/service and Read More …

Define the Expectation, Delight the Customer

In tomorrow’s podcast with Marc Stickdorn, co-author of This is Service Design Thinking, I asked my typical “last question” and it went like this: Joe: Is there something that I didn’t ask that you would like to expand on or mention about service design thinking? Marc: Maybe I would like to add one thing and Read More …

Lean Engagement Team Book Released

Sales and marketing can no longer operate in a vacuum. It has become a process output that intertwines across many of the departments within the organization. As companies have become flat, their decision making is increasingly being done by committee. As a supplier, you must mimic your customer decision-making path and as a result your Read More …

Problem Solving w Appreciative Inquiry

Could this be the missing link between Lean and Sales and Marketing? Appreciative Inquiry (AI) focuses on growing or increasing in value through exploration and discovery. It is a positive approach to change. It compliments Lean Thinking when you view Lean from a Value perspective versus a Waste Perspective. It is also relevant on how Read More …