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North America DOTA Challengers League

                                                                         Team Payment Structure

              Peter “PPD” Dager has put up $8,000 for league play and guaranteed $4,000 for tournament play. The

              first $8,000 raised through donation and sponsorships will offset the tournament guarantee and the

              balance divided among the teams in the percentages based on payout outlined below. Any money

              raised thereafter will be split 50% to players in mentioned percentage and 50% towards sustainability

              of league structure. Payment will be made through PayPal to individual players (Signed 1099 required

              for payouts over S600).

               Open Qualifiers                                                                                Tournament Play
                      • No payment is received                                                                       • Minimum guarantee of  $4,000 payout

                                                                                                                            • 1 Place Team will receive $2,000
               Regular Season                                                                                               • 2 place will receive $1,000
                      • Each team is guaranteed a minimum of $1,000                                                         • 3 & 4 place will receive $500
                          for completion of the seven weeks of play.

                      • Payment will be distributed in 2 payments
                             • 1 (min) payment made after 4 weeks of league play
                             • 2 payment upon completion of tournament play
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