Page 10 - SSD Nodes Celebrates 7-year Anniversary
P. 10

Joe Dager: I find that the most challenging for most young companies is the amount of time
               required for personal support. I know you've taken time, that you've directly answered people
               and that's part of the support structure I think any successful startup does. I can remember at

               my  kid’s  football  games  talking  and  troubleshooting  a  control  panel  on  some  equipment  or
               something, on the phone with someone. That's part of creating and running a business. Was
               there ever a time in these seven years you were just like, "I'm just going to stay in bed today"?

               Matt Connor: I think it's really important to take time to reflect and to relax and take some time
               to vacation because a lot of what happens with founders is that they are on call 24/7. They work
               on the business 24/7, and then you burn out. You're just grinding so hard on this one thing, and
               you miss out on a lot of opportunities by doing that. So, being able to take time to reflect, having

               a hobby here and there, helps a lot. I would recommend stuff like that. There hasn't really been
               a time where I was like, "Screw this, I'm out of here." Never, because I committed to this and I
               want to prove everybody wrong that I can do it.

               Joe Dager: Was there certain milestones or hurdles that changed the way you did business?

               Matt Connor: There came the point where I needed to hire. It was scary, and I just wasn't really
               sure about how to do it, about how to find the right people and that sort of thing. I just learned
               it by doing and just being really deliberate about how I was doing it.

               Joe Dager: What are the threats for SSD Nodes? Do you think it's mostly competitors? Do you
               think things will change in the future?

               Matt  Connor:  I  expect  the  landscape  is  going  to  change  and  I  think  it's  really  important  to
               embrace that. The threats are really just not being able to move quickly enough. I think when I
               was talking about the informal structure before. If you have a really formal structure, then there's
               no room to move because everybody is used to just repeating the same process over and over,
               nobody is thinking for themselves. I think the biggest threat is complacency. Remember when we
               talked about being, "Are you a startup or not?" I think that still being in that startup mindset, that
               yes, we have this business model that works, but if something comes along that completely
               changes it, we just have to do it, because one, our customers are going to be asking us to do it
               and two, we need to serve our customers. So, that's kind of the main threat.

               Joe Dager: Do you have a 7-year plan laid out there for the next seven? What's in the future for
               Matt and SSD Nodes?

               2522 Chambers Road                         Suite 100                           Tustin, CA 92780
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