Page 3 - SSD Nodes Celebrates 7-year Anniversary
P. 3

Transcription of Interview with Matt Connor

                   Note: This is a transcription of an interview. It has not gone through a professional editing
                             process and may contain grammatical errors or incorrect formatting.

               Joe Dager: Welcome everyone! This is Joe Dager, the host of the podcast. With me today is Matt
               Connor. He is the founder of SSD Nodes and has extensive experience in leadership and DevOps,
               having been a founder of several companies and holding
               positions  at  organizations  like  Zeeto,  BrightScope,
               Chapman University, and others. Matt, I want to thank you
               for joining me and big congratulations here for SSD Nodes
               celebrating its 7th anniversary.

               Matt Connor: Thank you, appreciate it. It's been a long 7
               years. But it goes by quickly, and then you look back and
               realize so much has happened.

               Joe Dager: Michael Gerber I think was the person that said,
               "You make it seven years, and the odds start favoring the
               startup." Maybe the idea is you get to drop the “startup” name after seven. Does it feel that way?

               Matt Connor: In some ways yes, in some ways no, I mean, searching for the business model we
               kind of chose one that already existed, which was the subscription model. I still think we're a
               startup in so many ways just because we're growing, we're learning, we're trying new things. It's
               never the same, so it's not like moving into a bureaucratic older business where you're just doing

               the same thing over and over. It feels like we're doing something new every day, and I think that
               still deserves the startup name.

               Joe Dager: So you keep that mindset! Do you ever feel like you've got a sustainable business?

               Matt Connor: I think so. I think that's really important to have from the beginning because if it's
               unsustainable, you don't stay in business for long, which is maybe what Gerber was talking about
               with the seven years.

               Joe Dager: Seven years! Are you doing anything special? Anything for your customers?

               2522 Chambers Road                         Suite 100                           Tustin, CA 92780
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