Page 1 - Microsoft PowerPoint - Marketing Gateway.pptx
P. 1

Adjust  •Confirm with Customers/Markets
                 Lean Sales and Marketing Process

                                         •List what we are presently doing

                                             •Why, What , How                                                          •What to Start   •What to Stop  •Do Differently  •Do not Change

                                   Check                                        •Create Standard Work for what not to change •Create  plan to do different (SOAR/SWOT) •Create Plan to Start Something New   Plan

                                                                          Do                •Stop

                                                                                    the effectiveness of our current efforts.

                                  Step 1  The steps are rather simple but often more difficult  than  someone can first imagine. The problem  originates that marketing has seldom been treated as   Check: We start out by listing our  marketing  activities, events, people and the current processes   Adjust: We confirm the Why, What and How of the  process with a few customers  receiving feedback on   Plan:  Organizing what we have learned, we decide  what to Stop, start, do differently, and do not change. Do: The work of this cycle is to create a starting point  for our efforts.  We will branch out into three areas   after com


                                                     a process.      we use.                                               later.
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