Page 4 - Microsoft PowerPoint - Marketing Gateway.pptx
P. 4

Sense‐making: Give meaning to experience.

                                                                                                      Do                                Check

                                           Analyze the user Locate the people who understand the user and the needs  Empower the Team  Select a limited set of needs you are designing for

                                                                                                      Explore                           Act

                      Step 4: Start This is where we choose to enter into a  new product and a new  market. This is equivalent to a Lean Startup where  product/market  SALES EDCA provides an opportunity to explore new propositions  and innovation in the users domain . The environment determines  where to start and complex marketing environments need EDCA.  Within the actual EDCA cycle the team is empowered to make their  own choices and determine their own direction to accomplish the  One of the key considerations in developing a team is to determine  the objective of the cycle. In EDCA, we structure for innovation and   Obj

                                      fit must be determined.   goals of that cycle.   creativity.   Creativity Team:  Dominant Feature: Autonomy  staged delivery, spiral, design‐to‐schedule  tenacious  theater team
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