Page 2 - Marketing A3.xlsx
P. 2

Clarify the problem, breaking down customer decision process and people involve.

                       Locate the point of concern or cause through Who, What, Where, When
                  What are the detailed steps you will take to make an improvement?

                          Identify root cause and verify with data. Develop countermeasures utilizing user stories and place on Kanban board, prioritize.  Build Project Plan or iteration through user stories. Use a Kanban board to visualize work flow and who is doing what. Pull tasks into doing  as needed. Use daily stand‐ups or Andon to signify problems or hang‐ups.  C: Check (Study) to see if an improvement was made Did the plan work? Collect and analyze data to demonstrate if gap was closed or not. Determine which changes worked and which did not.  Has Gap been closed? Have Customers’ needs been completed? If not, reconsi

               P: Plan                                   D: Do the plan                                                            A: Act (Adjust)

                                              Review the Critical to Quality (CTQ) issues facing this value stream and how they apply to this cycle. What should be involved in this step?

                                                Have customers' expectations and specifications been examined and documented? What are the points of concern?

                           What is the problem to be solved? Describe the problem, issue or need that your project is intended to address.

               Sales Cycle ID:                                                                                                            The team must fully understand not only the CTQ’s of the overall Value Stream but the CTQ’s of this particular cycle. Define the Gap that is

                                                                          List the members of your team, including position and role they will play.

                                                                                Position                  The team is autonomous and completely responsible for the tasks within this stage. Clarity is the most critical factor for empowering a  team. Outline Meetings, Daily Stand‐ups, Weekly Tactical and others as needed. Define Standard Work of Team (Team Charter) to

           SALES PDCA A3  Team Name:   S: Select the initial Problem Perception  A: Analyze the current process  L: Locate the people who understand the process  Name  E: Empower the Team  accomplish process.  S: Select the Improvement  to be completed in this cycle.
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