Converting Storyboarding to Marketing

This storyboarding process used by Disney is just absolutely sensational. Disney was a storyboarding freak! Not only does a storyboard allow for a dress rehearsal of the final product but by the very fact of being posted on the wall,it elicits early feedback and encourages quick, painless editing, leading to significant savings in time and resources.

The above sounds like a good Value Stream Mapping Session? Below are the takeaways I received from this video and how I apply this 25 step process to Marketing is in parenthesis.

  1. Storyboard artist is a communicator (Marketing)
  2. Blueprint of movie before production (Customer’s Value Stream).
  3. Panels of the entire movie (Record all the Value and non-Value steps of the process)
  4. Use to develop a visual story (Create story in pictures(post-it-notes)
  5. Before expensive animation takes place (Plan before doing)
  6. Minimum amount of info but enough for a quick read (Post-it-note)
  7. Express what your feeling (Tell like it is)
  8. Drawing has to have meaning (Customer Value Defined)
  9. Storyteller must be a good pitch artist (Talk out loud and tell the story)
  10. Put it on a Story Reel?(Gemba)
  11. Leave the experts work the scenes they are strong at (Include others)
  12. Everyone must be aware of overall needs of story (Understand the big picture)
  13. If you show it graphically, you can do it! (Clarity = Flow)
  14. Cut out a lot of unnecessary work (Reduce the Non-Value added steps)
  15. Working together Storyboard artist and director (Sales and Marketing)
  16. Keeping everyone on the same page (Ditto)
  17. What if Scenarios (Reduce Risk)
  18. Start out with the important scenes (CTQ’s of Customer)
  19. Tool for staging (Our response)
  20. Prepare for the scene(Customer Engagement – Sales Calls)
  21. Develop story and character (Customer Support)
  22. Don’t become in love with an idea (Keep an open Mind)
  23. Every storyboard recorded – Change was OK! (If it doesn’t fit, throw it away!)
  24. Ideas are not necessarily used immediately (Accept Relevancy)
  25. Saved the unused work for future reference. (Backlog)

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