Increase Sales; Understand Motivation

When a customer does not buy we often wonder why. We do not understand why they don’t want to improve or save money.  Most of it, of course, is centered around lack of motivation or having that burning imperative.

One of my favorite books on change is  Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success.  Their strategy is based on four simple steps, and one of those steps is Engaging All Six Sources of Influence, which are:

  1. Organizational Motivation will never persist without the change being tied to the marketplace.
  2. Organizational Ability requires learning new skills if you are going to change. If change is difficult, we will take the path of least resistance.
  3. Social Motivation and Social Ability go hand in hand. Employees, Suppliers, and even Customers would rather you not change. They want to deal with the known.
  4. Structural Motivation can be difficult in organizations since external goals are difficult to recognize.
  5. Structural Ability small changes in your environment have a surprising effect on your choices.

All of these areas of influence should be recognized, and dealt with. I believe it is an excellent way to deeper understanding your customers. It will make you marketing more valuable to your customer. In fact, I think a good copywriter could address most of the issues on a landing page. The one exception or the most difficult one to change through copy would be Social Motivation and Ability. However by addressing it up front, we allow more time in the sales cycle for the idea to propagate.