Creative Work is Essentially A Structure of Captures

Creativity is the force that enables us to see the world in a new way and find solutions to problems we can’t even begin to solve using logic and reasoning. But, with so many of our routines and patterns automated, how do we access this creativity again? How do we spark it back into life? Read More …

A Practical Approach To Crisis Project Management

Crisis management is a topic that’s often in the news, but it’s also something businesses need to plan. A crisis can strike anytime without warning and quickly spiral out of control if it’s not managed properly. A well-run crisis management project can help mitigate the damage caused by a crisis and even help your business Read More …

The 3 Stages of Creative Project Management

A creative project is a process that starts with an idea and has many different stages. The stages of a creative project will vary, depending on the type of work being done. These 3 stages can be seen in almost every creative project: Concept, Vision, and Production. In the first stage, a concept of work Read More …

Should Marketers Seek PMP Certification?

Is there value from an organizational perspective for marketers to have PMP Certification? Marketing in recent years has become more process orientated, which has resulted in a greater emphasis on project management. I have found a lack of basic project skills such as scoping and risk management when working with marketers. However, I am not Read More …