Page 15 - Marketing A3.xlsx
P. 15

x Weight  100  15  180  40  360

                                  Competitor #4  5  2

                                       Score  5  10  1   6   1    23                                            Financial

                                       x Weight  90  30  210  80  430                                                                  

                                  Competitor #3  0  2                      Key Issues needed addressed

                                       Score  4  9  2    7   2    24

                                       x Weight  5  80  45  240  120  500

                       SOAR Analysis  Strength/Opportunites Analysis (1 to 10)  Comp #2  Score  1  3  8  3  8  3  25  Key Strategies

                                  Comp #1  x Weight  0  1  70  60  270  160  570

                                       Score  2  7  4    9   4    26

                                       x Weight  60  75  300  200  640     Results

                                  Us       5                                                                    Key Objectives

                                       Score   6    5    10  5    27

                                  Weighting   (Total 100)  1  10  15  30  40  100



                   Product (Service)/Market Description:
                                       Critical Success Factors            Aspirations                          Key Assumptions                  Adapted from the book The Thin Book of SOAR; Building Strengths‐Based Strategy

                                       ID #  1  2    3   4    5                 1   2    2    3   4    5             1    2   2    3   4    5
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18