Page 13 - Marketing A3.xlsx
P. 13

Strategy Formulation                                    Resource Allocation & Monitoring

                 Company         P/M Segments        Key   Company         P/M Segments        Key   Company         P/M Segments        Key Accts

                                                                                                         4th Qtr

                                                                                                            Tactics($)   Tactics($)   Tactics($)

                                                                                                         3rd Qtr

                                                                                                            Tactics($)   Tactics($)   Tactics($)

                                                                                                  Identify tactics that will be explored with budgeted costs
                                                                                                         2nd Qtr

                                                                                                            Tactics($)   Tactics($)   Tactics($)

                    From what to what by when              How will you do this, What will you use  Budget and Implement  1st Qtr

                  Objectives:                           Strategies                                          Tactics($)   Tactics($)   Tactics($)

                                                                                                   What does he/she  Hear  (friends, boss,

                                                                                                                     Gain (wants, needs, measures of success)

                                                                                       Key Accounts  What does he/she  See  (environment, friends,   What does he/she  Say and do  (attitude, appearance,

                  Team Leader:                                       Opportunities (What might be?)  Results (What will be?)  What does he/she  Think and Feel  (what counts,   preoccupations,   Pain (fears, frustrations, obstacles)

                                                                                                   What does he/she  Hear  (friends, boss,

                                                                                                                     Gain (wants, needs, measures of success)

              Startup Marketing Plan A3  Team Name:   Mission Statement:  Financial Summary:  Strategic Context  Marketing Audit:  Strength (What is our core?)  Aspirations (What Should be?)  Company  Product/Market Segments  What does he/she  See  (environment, friends,   What does he/she  Think and Feel  (what counts,   Situation Review  preoccupations,   What does he/she  Say and do  (attitude, appearance,   Pain (fears, frustrations, obstacles)  Key Assumptions:
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