Page 9 - Marketing A3.xlsx
P. 9

=> Create Standard Work for what not to change (SDCA)

                       Concept Development: assemble innovative elements into a coherent alternative solution that can be explored and evaluated

                                                                                                   => Stop what we don't want to do

                     Visualization: use imagery to envision possible future conditions
                              => To Stop  => Not to Change                                             Customer Co‐Creation: enroll customers to participate in creating a solution that best meets their needs Analyze and optimize: isolating and testing the key assumptions that will drive success or failure of a concept Rapid Prototyping: express new concepts in a tangible form for exploration, testing, and refinement Relate and Influence: No matter how good of an idea you have, the key is still in gaining acceptance of others, build constituency.  ‐ Start another PDCA/SDCA/EDCA cycle for the next phase of the project ‐

                  Act and Engage: look and generate new alternatives

                          Group and make decisions on what:  => To Start  => To do Differently  => Create Standard Work for what not to change (SDCA) => Create Plan to Start Something New (EDCA)

               P: Plan                                                                D: Do  Enact our Decisions

               Situation (Title)                                                                                               Reflection – The stories that you created in Check match with stories in Act (Divergent views are important)

           Reflection A3: CAP‐Do  Team Name:   C: Check List what we are presently doing – Why, What, How Share and document experiences in the SALES Team Review organizational structural forces List what we are certain and uncertain about Value Chain Analysis: assess the current value chain that supports the customer’s JTBD  A: Act (Adjust) Confirm with Customers/Markets key certainties and uncertainties Observe, Think and Feel: Planning is not done in isolation. Visit customers, go to Gemba for planning. Write stories with customers of existing events Write stories of customers of future events/scenarios  P: Pause (Presenc
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