Page 8 - Marketing A3.xlsx
P. 8

Concept Development: assemble innovative elements into a coherent alternative solution that can be explored and evaluated

                                                                                                   => Not to Change       => Create Plan to do different (SOAR/SWOT)  => Stop what we don't want to do

                                                                   Reflection – The stories that you created in Check match with stories in Act (Divergent views are important)

                             Value Chain Analysis: assess the current value chain that supports the customer’s journey

                                                                                                   => To do Differently        => Create Plan to Start Something New Customer Co‐Creation: enroll customers to participate in creating a solution that best meets their needs Analyze and optimize: isolating and testing the key assumptions that will drive success or failure of a concept Rapid Prototyping: express new concepts in a tangible form for exploration, testing, and refinement Relate and Influence: No matter how good of an idea you have, the key is still in gaining acceptance of others, build constituency.

                     Share and document experiences in the SALES Team
                  List what we are presently doing – Why, What, How

                       Review organizational structural forces List what we are certain and uncertain about  Confirm with Customers/Markets key certainties and uncertainties Observe, Think and Feel: Planning is not done in isolation. Visit customers, go to Gemba for planning. Write stories with customers of existing events Write stories of customers of future events/scenarios  P: Pause (Presencing) Are the stories clear, concise and relevant?  Isolate and group key assumptions  Act and Engage: look and generate new alternatives Visualization: use imagery to envision possible future conditions  Group and make decisions on wha

               C: Check               A: Act (Adjust)                   Seek to understand  P: Plan               D: Do  Enact our Decisions

                                              Define and study the user to develop insights as a starting point for defining value. Review and focus on the service period to determine
                           Create a point of view statement that defines the efforts to understand connections which can be among people, places, and events.


               Sales Cycle ID:
                              Understanding the problem space is many times as important as understanding the user.

                                                                       L: Locate the people who understand the user and the needs
                                                                          List the members of your team, including position and role they will play.

                                                                                Position                  The team is autonomous and completely responsible for the tasks within this stage. Clarity is the most critical factor for empowering a  team. Outline Meetings, Daily Stand‐ups, Weekly Tactical and others as needed. Define Standard Work of Team (Team Charter) to   S: Select a limited set of needs you are designing for—your user.

           SALES CAP‐Do A3  Team Name:   Sense‐making: Give meaning to experience.  A: Analyze the user the pre‐service, service and post service durations.  Name  E: Empower the Team  accomplish process.  Create user stories based on this set of needs.
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