Page 10 - Marketing A3.xlsx
P. 10

Decision Making: Frame decision model guided by project principles developing team cohesion and clarity along the way.
                     Team Assistance: Establish rhythm by providing resources, removing roadblocks and aligning capabilities with iteration.

               E: Explore (Run small iterations constantly seeking to reduce risk and uncertainty)
                  Iteration Planning: Decide story release, workload management (WIP) and how it will be monitored.
                                                                          Team: Is our performance acceptable? Can we make the necessary decisions? Do we need help?

                                                                  A: Adapt (Review Results, Current Situation, Team Performance)

                                                                        Constraints: Are we staying within our original budget, scope?

                                                                     Value: Are we progressing toward our target?
                                                                             Parking Lot: What obstacles are present?  Determine to iterate (Explore) more, move to Close, or Loop to Speculate C: Close (Conclude the project, pass along key learnings and celebrate) Open Items: Do we have anything open? Close and note Document: Project outcomes and project learnings. Deliverable: If this project is to be standardized for others use. pass on and insure continuation.

                                      Project Architecture: Describe how the project will be carried out;
                             Business Objectives: What are the project’s business objectives?


                                                          Fixed            Project Team: List team members & roles

               Situation: E: Envision (Determine Vision, Objectives, Constraints and Community)  the internal plumbing.  Trade‐off Matrix  Scope  Schedule  Cost  Team Lead:  Team Members: S: Speculate (Develop a Capability and Iteration Plan to deliver on Vision) Release Planning: Plan customer experience stories over an extended period of time and determine risk Prepare for Deployment: Plan iterations grouping stories if needed prioritizing learning and reducing risk.

           Agile Project Management: The Highsmith A3

               Team Name:    Project Vision: What is the Project vision? ‐ Elevator Test  Project Scope: What is the total project scope?  Define Project Guidelines Objectives and Constraints  Project Community: List participants & expected impact on project  Critical  Essential  Non‐Direct: Focus on Stories: Create small experiments in story form and develop a backlog
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