Not 4-Hours but 24 Steps for Startups

My interview with Bill Aulet,  24 Steps to Successful Entrepreneurship discusses his process described in his new book, Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup. You can miss the podcast, not read the eBook below but if you are serious about Entrepreneurship, I highly recommend the book. The book is already in its 2nd printing but of course is available on Kindle. The artwork in the book is fantastic (Review it in this recent blog post, Can Entrepreneurship be taught?) so I would encourage you to have a minimum of a Kindle Fire for the best viewing. This book is also a great lesson for introducing new products within established companies.

Bill Aulet is the managing director in the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship at MIT and also a senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management. The center is responsible for entrepreneurship across all five schools at MIT starting with education but also extending well outside the class room with student clubs, conferences, competitions, networking events, awards, hackathons, student trips and most recently accelerators.

24 Steps to Successful Entrepreneurship

Download or view the PDF: 24 Steps to Successful Entrepreneurship

If you would like to view the flip magazine on your screen or tablet: Flip Magazine

Podcast Link: 24 Steps to Successful Entrepreneurship

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