Poppendiecks on Process Control Thoughts

At #LSSC!12, I had a chance to listen to Mary Poppendieck’s talk on, Continuous Feedback: Process Control for Developing Software-Intensive Systems. I had a few questions afterwards that developed into an entire podcast. Mary Poppendieck

Mary Poppendieck has been in the Information Technology industry for over thirty years. She has managed solutions for companies in several disciplines, including supply chain management, manufacturing systems, and digital media. As a seasoned leader in both operations and new product development, she brings a practical, customer-focused approach to software development problems.

Tom PoppendieckTom Poppendieck is an enterprise analyst and architect, and an agile process mentor. He focuses on identifying real business value and enabling product teams to realize that value. Tom specializes in understanding customer processes and in effective collaboration of customer, development and support specialists to maximize development efficiency, system flexibility, and business value.

Download Podcast: Click and choose options: Download Here  or go to the Business901 iTunes Store.

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Our conversation also spurred several thoughts that I expressed in a recent post, Time Based Thinking limits Lean Sales and Marketing.

Mary and Tom’s Books:
Leading Lean Software Development: Results Are not the Point
Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit
Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash

Related Information:
Turning your Conference Learning into Action
Does Lean create Innovative Companies?
Defining Lean IT with Steve Bell.
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