Setting Boundaries and Outcomes for Events

Why would you place limits around your event? In this video excerpt from an upcoming podcast with Ruud Janssen, the co-author of a new book, Event Design Handbook: Systematically Design Innovative Events Using the EventCanvas, I asked him about placing boundaries around the event. He immediately jumped to expected outcomes of participants and how to achieve them is the understanding and structure of the event boundaries.

An overview of the book: Event Design

Event design is a new approach to systematically decompose and recompose the success of events. By using the #EventCanvas template, one can identify where and for whom the event can be innovated. It is a handbook to document, discuss, and design events worth attending, and illustrates good event design.

You can download the first 100-pages and the Event Canvas at Thought the canvas has a strong resemblance to other canvases you might be associated with, I think you will find this one of great use. It should be in everyone’s toolkit.

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