Socratic Circles: A Place in B2B Customer Research?

A Quick Overview of What They Are and If They Have a Place in B2B Customer Research What is a Socratic Circle? If you’re looking for a way to get more out of your business research or sales meetings, you may consider using Socratic Circles. But what are they? And how can you use them Read More …

Immersion Research: Delivering Buyer Insights

How Most Companies Fall Short Of Understanding What Buyers Value: Most companies understand the importance of understanding what their buyers want and need. However, many companies fall short of actually understanding what their buyers value. The problem is that traditional research methods often don’t provide the insight needed to understand buyer behavior.  The Problem With Traditional Read More …

Why is it Difficult to Understand Customer Value?

Customer value is the perceived worth of a product or service. The concept of customer value is important to businesses because it can be used to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, managers can use customer value to make pricing, product development, and marketing decisions. Despite its importance, customer value can be difficult to understand Read More …

Learning From Customers: The Inquiry Sales Model

Why is it so important to learn from customers? Because they hold valuable knowledge that can help us improve our products, services, and processes. By engaging with customers and incorporating their feedback into our decision-making, we can learn how to serve them better and meet their needs. It has been said that the customer is Read More …

Analyzing and Presenting Data In Business Research

Business research is more important than ever for business leaders, who must stay ahead of their competition and market trends. Today’s consumers are becoming more comfortable with technology and how they interact with brands. They expect businesses to use this technology to provide seamless experiences and relevant information at the touch of a button. Business Read More …

Customizing the Outcome Harvesting Process

The Outcome harvesting Process needs to be customized according to the context. The steps are not always distinct, and feedback from one or more actions can cause a return to earlier steps. I used the steps outlined in this OUTCOME HARVESTING  PDF – INTRAC. From the PDF: Outcome harvesting is a monitoring and evaluation methodology Read More …