Business Model Innovation with Kaplan

Saul Kaplan (@skap5), the author of The Business Model Innovation Factory: How to Stay Relevant When The World is Changing was my guest on the podcast, An Innovation Junkie Interviewed. Saul is the founder and chief catalyst of the Business Innovation Factory (BIF), a real-world laboratory for exploring and testing new business models and social systems.

This is a transcription of the podcast, An Innovation Junkie Interviewed with Saul Kaplan (@skap5), the author of The Business Model Innovation Factory.

About the Book: The Business Model Innovation Factory

Business models don’t last as long as they used to. Historically executives have managed a single business model over their entire careers. Today companies must be capable of designing, prototyping, and experimenting with new business models. Executives will have to launch two to three new business models over their careers. They are not prepared, and corporate innovation efforts focus only on improving performance of existing business models.

This book provides all executives with the tools and survival skills to create a pipeline of new business models in the face of disruptive markets and competition. It will provide an actionable roadmap for executives and workers at all levels to avoid being “netflixed” by doing R&D for new business models.

Related Information:
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