Recognizing Your Own Opportunities

First learning about Isaac Lidsky in his popular TED Talk “What reality are you creating for yourself?” the former Saved by the Bell teen star-turned-entrepreneur Isaac recalls how the clerk he waved to in the store was really a mannequin; how he reached down to wash his Isaac_Lidskyhands and realized it was a urinal and not a sink. Objects appeared, morphed, and disappeared in his reality, as he learned of his diagnosis at thirteen: Retinitis Piegmentosa, a degenerative eye disease that would lead to his blindness by age 25. I was very impressed by Isaac and enjoyed the interview; amazed by his presence of mind.

After initially believing his blindness was a death sentence that signaled the end of his independence and achievement, Isaac Lidsky found other pathways of perception, turning his life around with his own philosophy. In his new book EYES WIDE OPEN: Overcoming Obstacles and Recognizing Opportunities in a World That Can’t See Clearly, Lidsky explores what it really means to see eyes wide open. Dispelling the notion of disability, Isaac found his true vision and courage to overcome adversity, and achieve a remarkable range of accomplishments. By reframing our fears as fiction, we too can channel our strengths, skills, and luck to achieve any goal.

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