7 Year Anniversary Sale for SSD Nodes

From bootstrapping to our first hires, Matt Connor covers almost all of SSD Nodes’ history. But the best part is the anniversary sale that he has permitted me to share with you: https://try.ssdnodes.com/v/landing/7-year-sale/. An idea of the SSD Nodes product: Intel E5/Gold processors, SSD drives in RAID 10, 10Gbps network interfaces, enterprise-grade RAM, peering with multiple Tier-1 networks Read More …

Becoming a Web Host Provider

SSD Nodes is an SSD hosting provider that offers simple, high-performance cloud computing. SSD Nodes is part of Strasmore, which offers hosting for larger enterprises. SSD Nodes Celebrates 7-year anniversary as a leader in SSD Web Hosting Services. Founded by Matt Connor, in 2011 and bootstrapped it into one of the fastest growing cloud hosting Read More …

Bootstrapping a Subscription Service

SSD Nodes is an SSD hosting provider that offers simple, high-performance cloud computing with personal support, live upgrades, and incredible speed to enable growth and deliver an outstanding experience. Founded by Matt Connor, in 2011 and bootstrapped it into one of the fastest growing cloud hosting providers.  Regarded as an industry leader in hybrid computing strategies and Read More …

Bootstrapping business Survival

If you want to survive, what do you need to do? Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why by Laurence Gonzales officially distilled these observations down 12  points the seemed to stand out concerning how survivors think and behave in the clutch of mortal danger. Some of the same steps for staying out of Read More …

Bootstrapping the Kanban

I just finished reading Kanban by David Anderson, @AgileManager and was very pleased with the content and especially the delivery. David is truly an expert in Kanban and I highly recommend the book for any discipline looking at introducing Kanban. What I enjoyed about the book more than anything else was the delivery of the Read More …