The Wisdom of Brian Joiner Transcription

Brian was a protege of W. Edwards Deming and has received the Deming Medal, the Shewhart Medal, the Hunter Award, the Ott Award, and the Wilcoxon Prize. In addition, he was one of the original nine judges of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and one of the originators of the Minitab statistical software system. Read More …

Brian Joiner on Lean Quality & Sustainability

In retrospect, I cannot honestly say why I ended up following Dr. Deming more so than Dr. Juran, or Philip Crosby, who I consider the other giants of the quality movement. I am not even sure in my first several readings of Dr, Deming that I even understood how it applied to me other than Read More …

Brian Joiner on Dr. Deming: Energy

Dr. Brian Joiner is author of Fourth Generation Management and The Team Handbook Third Edition co-author with Peter Scholtes of published by Joiner Associates and one of the best selling business books of all time, having now sold over one-and-a-half million copies. Brian was a protege of Dr. W.. Edwards Deming. Both of these books Read More …