How Can You Spread Tacit Knowledge in Virtual Settings?

One of the areas their people forget about when they go virtually is the amount of knowledge that is spread informally within an organization. One of the best descriptions I think of is to look at your virtual meetings from a writer’s perspective; first, second, and third-person points of view. Your meeting notes are generated Read More …

Onboarding Freelancers LinkedIn Group

The Expanding Use of Freelancers As Part of Your Strategy: In the past, we only thought of Freelancers as people to carry out specific time-based tasks – an outside vendor. Or, someone that could do it off-shore at a lower cost. As the use of Freelancers proliferate across organizational departments new ways of thinking are Read More …

Tap Into a Broader Talent Pool

Lisa Hufford founded Simplicity Consulting in 2006 as a result of her own shift from the corporate world to the world of consulting. She partners with companies of all sizes to help them go to market faster by tapping specialized project based talent and teaches professionals how to leverage their expertise and deliver value to Read More …