Leveraging Growth Strategies For A Successful Go-To-Market Launch

For any successful go-to-market launch, finding the right product-market fit is key. This means understanding the needs of your market and delivering a product or service to meet those needs. If you don’t establish a product-market fit, all your growth strategies may be for nothing.Your go-to-market strategy should always reflect the success of the product. Read More …

Lean Startup: Build-Measure-Sell?

Often, startups think Product/Market fit is found by obtaining their first customers. They try to validate their product and customer base by building this Harry-Potter sales funnel thinking they can create a customer. The only measure part of the equation is the sales activity they generate within the funnel. I am not saying it doesn’t Read More …

Difference Between Hacking and Experimentation

Many of us will make a business case for our next marketing campaign (experiment), but few will take the time to create a prediction. A prediction enables us to identify the one or two things that really matter while providing both constraints and flexibility. In scientific terms, we call it a hypothesis. The dictionary definition of Read More …