GTD Methodology for Teens (Or Any Visual Learner)

Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracting World This new book, Getting Things Done for Teens offers a fresh take on the GTD methodology, framing life as a game to play and GTD as the game pieces and strategies to play your most effective game. It presents GTD in a highly Read More …

Searching for Talent Practitioners

Are you a Human Resource practitioner working in… Talent Acquisition Talent Development Talent Retention I am planning on interviewing several practitioners on subject matter such as… How does Lean directly help with retention? How does Lean coaching replace or serve as a mentor? How do you hire a Lean/Agile mindset? How Lean helps with diversity?  Read More …

Lean Talent Development Process

The diagram is a very high-level view of thinking in Lean terms for talent development. So, often we tend to view Standard Work, Continuous Improvement and Exploration from only a tool perspective. Stepping back and taking the 20,000-foot level view can be beneficial. Think of the middle box as the present job skills, job experience Read More …