What Makes a Good Event

This week I am going to do a series of video excerpts from an upcoming podcast with Ruud Janssen, the co-author of an interesting new book, Event Design Handbook: Systematically Design Innovative Events Using the EventCanvas.

An overview of the book: Event Design

Event design is a new approach to systematically decompose and recompose the success of events. By using the #EventCanvas template, one can identify where and for whom the event can be innovated. It is a handbook to document, discuss, and design events worth attending, and illustrates good event design.

You can download the first 100-pages and the Event Canvas at  http://www.eventcanvas.org/. Thought the canvas has a strong resemblance to other canvases you might be associated with, I think you will find this one of great use. It should be in everyone’s toolkit.

Related Blog Post: Turning Conference Learning into Action