Event Design Interview

This is the entire compilation of the interview with Ruud Janssen. Ruud is the co-author of a new book, Event Design Handbook: Systematically Design Innovative Events Using the EventCanvas, [arve url=”https://youtu.be/7ruwFIWL-vc” align=”center”/] An overview of the book:  Event design is a new approach to systematically decompose and recompose the success of events. By using the #EventCanvas template, Read More …

Setting Boundaries and Outcomes for Events

Why would you place limits around your event? In this video excerpt from an upcoming podcast with Ruud Janssen, the co-author of a new book, Event Design Handbook: Systematically Design Innovative Events Using the EventCanvas, I asked him about placing boundaries around the event. He immediately jumped to expected outcomes of participants and how to achieve them is Read More …