Why I Quit Using PDCA

In the Sales and Marketing arena, we are exploring new propositions and environments as the main thrusts of our activity. I have found PDCA to be limiting and somewhat challenging to take people on the path of exploration. I was introduced to EDCA (E=Explore) it seems like a decade ago by Graham Hill but it never really Read More …

3Cs of Lean Cycles: SDCA, PDCA & EDCA

I think about Lean in three distinctively different ways: Tools: Documentation, problem-solving, development, design Structure: Creating a workflow to traverse between one to the other in a natural progression. Behavior: The way we practice to achieve specific outcomes in an efficient manner. By doing this, it allows me to move from micro to macro thinking Read More …

How do you put Lean Thinking into use?

When I am working, I naturally migrate from different stages of thinking through the Lean Cycles of CAP-Do, SDCA, PDCA, EDCA. I use all of them at a micro and macro level but often in very different ways. Reading the book Making Thinking Visible (Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/2wXnL0Q) helped me collect my thoughts on this subject. Read More …

Improvement Kata in 10 Minutes

Bill Costantino’s classic explanation of the Improvement Kata, originally posted as a SlideCast on November 25, 2011. Awesome! This video can be used to provide some Improvement Kata / Coaching Kata background content for ‘pre-review’ online, prior to classroom or practice activities. From the YouTube description: This video can be used to provide some Improvement Kata Read More …

The Improvement Kata in a Minute

Beth Carrington explains the Improvement Kata in less than a minute. Serves as a nice introduction, especially for sales and marketing folks. But, on Friday we will introduce a 10-minute session, stay tuned! YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/embed/rGGid_WvLnk/

The Role of Kata in Marketing

The power of Kata differs than most Lean thinking. Most efforts with Lean in Sales and Marketing focuses on the use of the “Why” question; solving problems and offering solutions. Kata focuses on the “What” creating situational awareness. At the basic level (Why) and what I might call the commodity trap, we still need to solve Read More …